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Day of Week Summary

This report presents a summarization of history for each day of the week. 

The data tracked is the total number of hits/visitors ever recorded for each day of the week.

Terms Used on Report:

Unique Visitors

Also referred to as a 'Unique Visitor'.  By default, this value represents a visitor that comes to your site for the first time in a day.  All subsequest visits during the day by the visitor are not considered unique.

The definition of a visitor can be customized.  You can set a custom period of inactivity that will cause the next access of the visitor to be considered a new visit.  The visit definition screen can be found on the 'Setup' menu.

This differs from a page view or hit in that a single visitor can have one visit per day but many page views during a visit.

Monthly Uniques

A visitor that comes to your site for the first time during a calendar month.  All subsequest visits during the month by the visitor are not considered a monthly unique visit.

New Visitors

A visitor that comes to your site for the first time ever.  All subsequent visits or page views by the visitor are not considered an all-time unique visit.