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Search Terms

This report shows the search terms visitors type into search engines to find your site.

IMPORTANT: All search engine referrals are listed here.  Whereas the 'Referrers' report lists only the search engine referrals the first time a user visits your site in a day (a daily unique visit).  This can lead to a higher number of search engine referrals in this report than the 'Referrers' report since this report may list multiple seach engine referrals per user per day.

Terms Used on Report:

Search Term

The keyword or terms entered in a search engine.  This can be a single word, a combination of words, a phrase enclosed in quotes, or specialized to the search engine it came from. For example, most search engines use the following syntax for basic searches:

Single keyword: car
Multiple keywords: fast car
Exact phrase: "fast car"
Specialized: "fast car" -yugo (on most search engines, this returns sites with "fast car" on the site, but without the word "yugo"


A referral from a search engine.  This differs from a visitor since a visitor in only recorded the first time a user visits your site in a day (a daily unique visit).  This can lead to a higher number of search engine referrals than visitors since this referrals track multiple seach engine referrals per user per day.